Thesaurus Payroll 2025 is now available to download - please click on this link 2025 Payroll Download 

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Due to damage caused by Storm Eowyn, call wait times may be longer than usual. We recommend reaching out to us via email support. Thank you for your patience.


Step 4: Submitting your pay data to Revenue

Since the 1st of January 2019, employers are required to submit their payroll data to Revenue every time they perform a pay run – most importantly, this periodic submission needs to be received by Revenue ‘on or before’ payment is made to the employees. This periodic submission of your payroll data to Revenue is known as the Payroll Submission Request (PSR). After updating a pay period, Thesaurus Payroll Manager will automatically create the Payroll Submission Request required by Revenue and you will see that process icon 6 will immediately prompt you that the submission is outstanding.

Click Process Icon number 6 followed by Prepare PSR. A summary of the PAYE, USC, PRSI & LPT totals included in the submission will be displayed on screen for you to view. Should you wish to view the detailed contents of the PSR before submission, click 'View'. Click ‘Submit PSR to Revenue’ when ready. A confirmation will be shown on screen, once your submission is successful.

Press 'Close' to exit the PSR utility. On closing out of the PSR utility, you will be prompted to take a backup of your payroll data. If you are not using Thesaurus Connect, it is strongly recommended that you complete the backup process, as a backup of your payroll file will provide a safety measure should you experience any problems with your PC. Your company name will already be highlighted on the left-hand side - select the drive you wish to backup from the drop-down menu on the right-hand side.

After selecting your backup location, click the ‘Backup’ button. A prompt will appear to confirm your backup location. If you are happy to proceed, click ‘OK’ to continue with the backup. A confirmation message will now appear to confirm that your backup has been successful. Click ‘OK’ followed by ‘Close’ to exit.

Video Tutorials

Order using your Bright ID

Creating a new Bright ID

Using an existing Bright ID

Getting Started


Importing from last year (existing users)

Installing your ROS digital certificate (agents)

Installing your ROS digital certificate (employers)

Setting up employees using an RPN (new users)

Your Pay Period Process

Step 1: Retrieving your employee RPNs

Step 2: Processing your payroll

Step 3: Finalising your pay period

Step 4: Submitting your pay data to Revenue

Step 5: Distributing your payslips and paying your employees

Step 6: Paying your Employees

Paying employees directly with Modulr

Additional Processes

Backing up your payroll data

Corporate gift card orders with Thesaurus

Processing a leaver

Processing a starter

Surf Accounts API Integration

Thesaurus Connect

How to invite employees to use self-service

How to Register


PAYE Modernisation in Thesaurus Payroll Manager

Employee Smartphone App Demo

Promotional Videos

Connect for Employers

Connect for Bureaus

Connect for Employees

Employee Smartphone App

Bright Contracts

PAYE Modernisation with Thesaurus


For more information visit

2022 training partnership webinar

PAYE Modernisation in BrightPay