Auto-renewal for 2025 licences is now in process, and we’re experiencing higher-than-usual wait times on our phone lines. For FAQs, visit this link.

Adding a company using a CSV File

Thesaurus Payroll Manager facilitates the setting up of both your company and employees at the same time using an employee CSV file. 

The employee information that can be imported into the software using a CSV file is:

  • pps number
  • surname
  • first name
  • address line 1
  • address line 2
  • address line 3
  • email address
  • works number
  • PRSI class
  • annual tax credit
  • annual cut off
  • annual usc cut off 1
  • annual usc cut off 2
  • annual usc cut off 3

To access this utility, go to File > Create Company from a CSV File:

  • Click Next

  • Enter Company Name

  • Enter Company address

  • Click Next

  • Enter Employer Registered Number -This is your PAYE registered number and is normally 7 digits and 1 or 2 letters. The employer registered number is often the same as your VAT number.

  • Click Next

  • Enter a password of your own choosing in both boxes - your password must be 4 alpha/numeric characters e.g. Pass, 1234, AB12.

  • Click Finish once a password has been entered

  • On the next screen, browse to the location of your Employee CSV file and select it

  • Indicate which pay frequency you wish to place your employees on - weekly, monthly or both if you have employees under both pay frequencies.

  • When the employee list is correct, click Finish.


Please note: The payment method for these newly added employees will be set to 'Cash' and the PRSI Class to A1. You can change these settings in 'Add/Amend Employees' if required.

  • You should now proceed to Employees > Add/Amend Employees to enter in any additional information needed for each employee which wasn't included in the CSV file. 




Need help? Support is available at 01 8352074 or

Help2019 Thesaurus Payroll Manager - System Requirements2019 Budget - Employer SummaryPayroll CalendarPayroll DeductionsGetting startedImporting from previous yearImporting from other Payroll SoftwareMigrating to Thesaurus Payroll Manager Mid Tax-YearCompany SetupDigital CertificatesAdd/ Amend EmployeesRevenue Payroll Notifications (RPNs)Processing PayrollPayroll Submission Requests (PSRs)Distributing PayslipsPaying EmployeesCorrectionsRevenue PaymentsReportsProcessing StartersProcessing LeaversBenefit in KindIllness BenefitMaternity BenefitPaternity BenefitPensionsChanging an Employee's Pay FrequencyYear End - 2019Backup and RestoreCSOHolidaysLeave EntitlementsEmployment LawGeneralGlossary of Terms (Pre 2019)Revenue - Contact Telephone NumbersTransferring Payroll Manager from one PC to anotherThesaurus ConnectGDPREnd User Licence Agreement for Thesaurus Payroll Manager