Employers have a statutory obligation to keep and maintain a Register of Employees.
A Register of Employees must contain the following information:
The register will not only contain information for full time staff but also must include temporary, part time or casual employees.
The obligation to maintain a Register of Employees is separate to an employer's obligation to register with Revenue for PAYE purposes.
A Register of Employees can be prepared in Thesaurus Payroll Manager - to prepare the register go to Employees > Employee Register. The Register of Employees will be displayed on screen, it can be copied or printed.
Please note: if you notice that any of the required information is missing from the Register of Employees go to Employees > Add/Amend Employees to enter the information.
A date of commencement outside of the current tax year can be entered in Employees > Add/Amend Employees > HR Details, this date will be automatically imported into subsequent years software for convenience and it will flow through to the Register of Employees.
Need help? Support is available at 01 8352074 or thesauruspayrollsupport@brightsg.com.